Perspective - Open Visual Thinkery 

Hello kids! What we are going to learn now is perspective. We will be going up 4 levels.


  • Vanishing point
  • horizon line 
  • guided lines


  • Felt tip pens or markers
  • a ruler 
  • a white paper with the title: PRACTICING WITH PERSPECTIVE 

Level 1: First, let's watch the following video to start with ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE:

 Level 2: Second
, let's watch the following video to continue practicing, but now with TWO POINTS PERSPECTIVE. 

Level 3:   We are going to draw different shapes using one point perspective and this will be your "informe" cover page.

One Point Perspective Shapes (Page 1) -

shapes one point perspective 

Level 4 and final level: This level is the most difficult because you are going to draw a landscape with trees and buildings. 

 Begginer one point perspective drawing


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