A  VISIT  TO "le  louvre",  paris

Where is located?
The Louvre is not only one of the best art museums in the world, it’s also one of the biggest. There are 35,000 objects on display out of a collection of 380,000. 
The most famous picture in the Louvre is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, but there are also paintings by other great painters like Rembrandt, Giambattista Pittoni, Caravaggio, Rubens, Titian and Eugène Delacroix.
There are also statues inside the Louvre. The most famous statues are the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace.
And this is the web site for kids:
Outside Le Louvre Museum, Paris
Inside Le Louvre Museum, Paris

Mona Lisa, los enigmas de la obra maestra de Leonardo da VinciMona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

Fans de la Mona Lisa se quejan en el museo de Louvre


Where is located?
The National Gallery is located in Trafalgar Square,  home to major events in central London. It is here, in fact, from 10th to 20th December each year you can listen to Chrismtas carols and during St Patrick Day it is filled with numerous stalls and a stage with free concerts.
The National Gallery was opened in 1838 and since then has always been free! 
What can you see at the National Gallery in London?
National Gallery is the place for art lovers. It is here thay you can admire some of the greatest genius as Leonardo Da Vince, Lorenzo Lotto, Van Gogh, Monet, Rubens, Turner, Botticelli, Van Dyke, Constable, Cezanee...
This museum houses a collection of paintings from the 13th to the 19th century. It is a traditional museum but it is very attentive to families and helps to bring children closer to art, from an early age.
Inside the National Gallery:



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